Who are the St. Vincent de Paul St. Alexander Conference Vincentians? We are a group of volunteers, all parishioners of St. Alexander who inspired by the Gospels, offer assistance to the needy and suffering. We are of various ages, different backgrounds but the one thing in common is a desire to help those who are struggling.
We have met many clients also from various backgrounds. Sometimes the need is temporary and other times it is a more lengthy service. But we all genuinely care and we maintain a spirit of love for all our “friends.”
The Society of St Vincent de Paul is easy to join. There is no initiation fee. There are no special qualifications other than the desire to join with others to help those in need for the love of God. The accomplishment of helping others is often a greater fulfillment when we work together in discussion and prayers. Our meetings are held monthly.
If the Society of St. Vincent de Paul appeals to you and you want to learn more please contact our parish office at 708-448-4861.